[LINK] Internet cut-offs, website censorship about to drop on UK
Roger Clarke
Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au
Thu Apr 8 09:00:50 AEST 2010
[Another nail in the coffin of what was once UK democracy.]
Internet cut-offs, website censorship about to drop on UK
By Nate Anderson
Ars Technica
7 April 2010
Wash-up" might sound homely, conjuring visions of a family scrubbing
up after a cheerful dinner as the evening descends. But it's also the
name of a UK legislative process in which bills can become law
through a quick process that bypasses normal debate. Wash-up happens
at the end of a parliamentary term, just before new elections, and it
is designed to finish non-controversial outstanding business.
But is it appropriate to use wash-up to make major changes to UK
Internet access, giving copyright holders tremendous new power to go
after P2P pirates and even block entire websites?
The UK's current Labour government thinks so. It is intent on jamming
the "Digital Economy" bill through Parliament in the next couple of
days by means of the wash-up process after calling a general election
for May 6. Chris Marsden, a senior lecturer in the University of
Essex's law school, calls the process "an absolute insult to
Parliament, to Internet users, and to democracy." He goes on to "add
for overseas readers that this Bill is not just anti-digital economy,
but very obviously anti-net neutrality as well as against basic
But according to the government, the problems addressed by the bill
are so severe that it's simply not possible to wait a few weeks until
a new government is in place. The UK's "creative industries" are
bleeding, hemorrhaging red ink and jobs, so action must be taken. The
bill's "second reading" in the House of Commons took place last
night; it is set to pass the committee stage and a third reading at
some point today. In a day or two it could become law.
Graduated response and censorship, UK style
What's in it? All sorts of stuff (read the current draft). ISPs will
immediately have to send warning letters to accused P2P users, for
one thing. After a year of letters, new "technical" measures can come
into force that include speed throttling, measures that will prevent
subscribers from "using the service to gain access to particular
material, or limits such use," and Internet disconnections. (Backers
of the bill note that these are only "suspensions," not permanent
"disconnections"; the difference between the two seems largely
semantic, as a subscriber account is in fact cut off from the
Internet, regardless of whether the subscriber himself committed any
As for blocking complete websites, the government is on board with
that, too. The bill grants the UK's High Court the power to order Web
blocks against any site, for a number of vague reasons including "any
issues of national security raised by the Secretary of State."
Generally, the blocks are meant to target sites where a "substantial
proportion of the content accessible at or via each specified online
location infringes copyright."
The bill does incorporate protections for these penalties, including
an appeals process for Internet subscribers, but taken in total,
these are dramatic changes to the current Internet regulatory scheme.
How much debate was taken on these matters in Commons? We found out
last night, when less than 40 of the 646 MPs showed up for a few
hours of debate on the bill, which then passed its second reading.
One of the reasons for the low turnout: debate didn't even get
underway until 4:27pm.
A "weak, dithering, and incompetent" bill
Those who did show up had plenty to say (read the lengthy
transcript). Even the bill's main backer, Secretary of State for
Culture, Media and Sport Ben Bradshaw, opened his remarks by saying,
"It is not ideal that the Bill is not likely to enjoy full debate
through its Committee stages in the House, but at the end of a
Parliament there are always Bills to which that applies."
Bradshaw was soon interrupted by Tom Watson, a Labour MP, who
references a recent petition campaign to hold the bill back for more
debate. 20,000 people wrote their MPs on the issue, but Bradshaw
isn't swayed. "We are all aware of the e-mails with which we have
been inundated in recent days. I am sure my honourable Friend is also
aware of the competing newspapers adverts today from the unions and
trade organisations representing those who work in the creative
sector who, with respect, probably number hundreds of thousands and
feel it is important that the work that they create is not devalued
by an issue that we will shortly discuss in more detail. They feel
just as strongly that they need the legislation now as the people he
mentioned think we should not pass it."
Kate Hoey, a Labour MP from Vauxhall, was even more direct, saying
that pushing this bill through will hurt people's involvement in
democracy. "Will the Secretary of State look back in history and see
what happens to legislation that gets pushed through the House
quickly, without consultation? It looks as though we could push some
measure through-perhaps there will be a little stitch-up between the
three Front-Bench teams-but out there, ordinary people, many of whom
have only begun to realise the repercussions of the Bill, will feel
totally let down by Parliament, just before a general election."
Jeremy Hunt, a Conservative MP from South-West Surrey, then blasted
the entire bill. "This afternoon, on the very day when time has
finally been called on a weak, dithering and incompetent Government,
we are faced with a weak, dithering and incompetent attempt to
breathe life into Britain's digital economy... Instead of a big,
ambitious vision for this country, we have a digital disappointment
of colossal proportions."
A "contradictory absurdity"
But concern about the creative industries propelled the bill through
its second reading anyway. It should move quickly through the rest of
the wash-up process in the next couple of days before Parliament is
dissolved next week.
The Open Rights Group, a leading digital rights group in the UK, has
made its opposition clear, replacing its normal home page with this:
We asked our own resident Londoner, Peter Bright, to pull an opinion
from his vast store of them and share it with us. Is the opposition
to the Digital Economy bill and to the wash-up process overblown?
"The passage of the bill shows a fundamental dereliction of duty by
our elected representatives," he responded. "It places the demands of
big media companies ahead of the rights of the citizenry, and the
very idea of cutting people off from the Internet in a bill designed
to promote the 'digital economy' is a contradictory absurdity.
"However, I'm not even sure I can muster the energy to be angry about
this; it's precisely what we've come to expect from our illiberal,
corporatist, fundamentally corrupt government."
Unlike the current UK government, Bright is happy to debate his
assertions; drop by the comments of this article to discuss the bill,
the current state of UK politics, and the best way to address online
Roger Clarke http://www.rogerclarke.com/
Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd 78 Sidaway St, Chapman ACT 2611 AUSTRALIA
Tel: +61 2 6288 1472, and 6288 6916
mailto:Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au http://www.xamax.com.au/
Visiting Professor in the Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre Uni of NSW
Visiting Professor in Computer Science Australian National University
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