[LINK] Kim Carr's eBook working group is a joke

Richard Chirgwin rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Sat Apr 17 12:41:47 AEST 2010

Stilgherrian wrote:
> On 17/04/2010, at 10:09 AM, Richard Chirgwin wrote:
>> Stilgherrian wrote:
>>> On 17/04/2010, at 8:57 AM, Richard Chirgwin wrote:
>>>> I must be getting thick-headed in my old age ... but why the hell do we 
>>>> want or need a government e-book working group?
>>> Because a bunch of industries and their workers have done sweet FA about adapting to change, and are now starting at competition who have adapted to change, and rather than actually doing anything about it themselves like finally adapting to change they're whinging to the guv'mint and expecting them to sort out their new business models for them.
>>> tThe guv'mint in turn needs to be seen to be doing something. Here is something. And lest the whingers feel that they're not being listened to and whinge further, they comprise the something.
>>> Was it like this when horseshoes suddenly fell out of demand because the car was invented?
>>> Stil
>> And people on the Internet don't play the same game for their interests? 
>> "Let's whine and scratch at the government's back porch until we get an 
>> NBN" might come to mind ...
> Sorry, since when does saying there's a connection between A and B automatically imply a denial of a connection between A and G? I was just answering the question at hand...
> Stil
Apologies, feeling stabby ...


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