[LINK] McAfee update problem

Jan Whitaker jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Sat Apr 24 10:08:47 AEST 2010

At 09:58 AM 24/04/2010, Stilgherrian wrote:

>Where fingers should be pointed here are at organisations like the 
>Commonwealth Bank, Coles and Virgin Mobile for having ben caught. 
>Did they not test the patch before installing it across multiple systems?
>As Ed Skoudis says in SANS NewsBites today:
>     We've been warning people in enterprises for
>     years that they _must_ test AV updates in their
>     labs before pushing them to their enterprise.
>     Every year or two, one of the major AV vendors
>     pushes a disastrous update. Here is another
>     reminder.

What "labs"?

I can understand that approach. However, isn't the point of automatic 
updates using a product like McAfee (or any other) the idea that they 
just "happen"? Since we don't know when an update is going to occur 
(generally speaking), how does an enterprise do this efficiently? Do 
they have one machine that is on automatic with the others set for 24 
hour delay to download updates from a local server? And what if it's 
over a weekend?

I can see this being v-messy.


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
blog: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com

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