[LINK] Australian Government ICT Sustainability Plan

Tom Worthington tom.worthington at tomw.net.au
Thu Aug 5 08:51:52 AEST 2010

The Australian Government ICT Sustainability Plan 2010 - 2015  has been
released by the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the

Agencies will be required to report ICT energy and carbon emissions
annually and apply mandatory environmental standards in ICT 
procurements, including: EPEAT Silver, ENERGY STAR, use recycled paper 
and recycling schemes for equipment.

The plan is eight months late (it was due out in December 2009) but
appears to set reasonable goals. The plan is provided in a reasonably
formatted set of web pages, as well as PDF and RTF. One improvement
would be to move the PDF link to the whole document from the top of the
home page to the bottom and instead have a link to a summary of the
document at the top. My summary of the plan:

The plan largely follows the standards and measurement methodologies I
have been teaching since early 2009 to Australian Government staff and 
others in the course Green Technology Strategies: 

Tom Worthington FACS CP HLM, TomW Communications Pty Ltd. t: 0419496150
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617, Australia  http://www.tomw.net.au
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science, The
Australian National University http://cs.anu.edu.au/courses/COMP7310/

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