[LINK] Police edit CCTV footage
Kim Holburn
kim at holburn.net
Sat Aug 7 11:51:42 AEST 2010
> CCTV and police abuse of power
> Investigations into the London Gaza protests last year have called
> into question how CCTV evidence is being used by police
> More worrying is the way in which CCTV is being used by the police.
> Demonstrator Jake Smith was charged with two counts of violent
> disorder. These charges were later dropped when Smith's solicitor,
> Matt Foot, viewed the original CCTV footage and discovered that the
> police video had been edited to show events out of sequence, at one
> point implying another man was Smith while omitting footage showing
> Smith being assaulted by a police officer without provocation.
> Considering the potential for abuse of power, the control that the
> police have had over the use of CCTV is frightening. Foot warns, "We
> should be both curious and suspicious about how the police use CCTV
> footage in these cases."
> Foot's concern extends to how police have dictated the use of their
> edited material. Solicitors representing the protesters were told to
> sign an undertaking by the Met that prevented them sharing their
> police videos with anyone but their client. This stopped defence
> solicitors working together to establish a wider picture of the
> protests and their context. This worked hand in hand with the
> decision to charge all the protesters individually rather than
> collectively.
Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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