[LINK] filter dead and cremated?
Jan Whitaker
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
Mon Aug 16 23:04:16 AEST 2010
Greens side with Coalition on internet filtering policy
August 16, 2010 - 2:21PM
Labor's hopes of getting its internet filter plan through federal
parliament look destined to fail, with the Australian Greens calling
for a PC-based approach.
Earlier this month the Coalition
it would scrap
for a mandatory internet filter if it won the August 21 election.
Even if it didn't win, it said it would not vote in favour of the plan.
Greens communications spokesman Senator Scott Ludlam on Monday
released the party's cyber safety policy, opposing Labor's mandatory
internet service provider (ISP) level filter.
The $40 million policy involves PC-based filtering, further research
into cyber safety risks, strengthened law enforcement, and net
literacy education.
"The Greens believe Australians need a world-class national broadband
network but we don't need the Australian government looking over our
shoulder and filtering what we see," Senator Ludlam said.
"A voluntary filter at the household level would be more effective to
protect kids."
He said an obligation should be placed on ISPs to offer PC-based
filtering solutions that can be customised to block a broad range of content.
Police cyber crime units should also be better resourced, he said.
Polls show the Greens look poised to take a balance of power role in
the Senate after the August 21 election.
AAP and smh.com.au
This story was found at:
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
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