[LINK] Hung Drawn and Quartered or Pork Barrelled, the JG Choice.

Tom Koltai tomk at unwired.com.au
Mon Aug 23 09:44:07 AEST 2010

In his article "Hayseed' amigos could control power" Mark Davis (SMH) on
August 5, 2010 appeared to be correct in calling the 28.6% possibility
of a hung parliament if Labor got only 72, 73, 74 or 75 seats.


Quote ''If we assume the Greens win Melbourne, giving us 4 non-major
party members in the new House (1 Green plus Oakeshott, Windsor and
Katter), the Parliament would be hung if Labor got either 72, 73, 74 or
75 seats. The implied probability that such a thing would have occurred
with this simulation was 28.6 per cent.''/Quote

So for the next three years.... Taree to Armidale in NSW and Charters
Towers in the North... Err that would be mining country....
are likely to be the recipients of extremely fortuitous pork barrelling,
starting no doubt with Cabinet Portfolios.

Although that might just spell the end the mining super-tax.
(Unless Julia leaves out Bob Katter (Charters Towers and Mining) and
goes with the Melbourne [Green] Barrister Adam Bandt and only two
indies...  Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor.

And retirees might get a looksee on the cost of pharmaceuticals and as
for Tamworth? I don't know what Tamworth residents feel they need, but
either way, watch the standard of living in those three regions race
ahead of the rest of Australia with of course the appropriate property
price rises.

Although if Bob Kattter IS "elected" to the front bench... Then coal
seam gas will get interesting - Greens - alternative energy - Queensland
Coal seam gas.

To me the most telling thing about the election was the massive swing to
Labor in Tasmania in the last two months... No doubt partly as a result
of the strong NBN PR machine.

Oh, what's that you say? Pork Barrelling doesn't happen in Australia ?
And no-one needs 1000 Mbps Internet ?

Of course it doesn't and of course they don't. 

But I have to say, had Tony not killed off the NBN, he would now be the
Prime Minister...


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