[LINK] Google 'real time' searches

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Fri Aug 27 19:45:48 AEST 2010

Hi all,

For searching in real-time, that is, scanning results for items posted
seconds ago, Google has anounced a specific webpage including resources.

Most of the search hits found are twitters, and with a popular topic will
scroll, whilst you are watching, with new hits.


Google's search team says it's important to offer users the ability to 
search for real-time content, given the popularity that social-networking 
and microblogging sites have gained.

Google Realtime: http://www.google.com/realtime

In addition to its new Web home, Google Realtime now features new options 
to filter and narrow results. For example, users can tell Google they 
only want to see results from a specific geographic location, or only 
results with images.

Another new feature is the ability to call up the entire thread, or 
conversation, that a particular Twitter post is part of, so that users 
can see it in context.

Google also has added search alerts for real-time results, so that users 
can be notified via e-mail whenever Google Realtime discovers a specific 
query term while crawling its real-time sources.



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