[LINK] 10 Rules for Radicals: Lessons from rogue archivist Carl Malamud

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Mon Aug 30 12:55:02 AEST 2010


>  Rogue archivist Carl Malamud's 10 Rules for Radicals <http://public.resource.org/rules/ 
> >  is the transcript of his keynote at the 19th World Wide Web  
> Consortium conference in 2010. It's a thrilling and often hilarious  
> account of his adventures in liberating different kids of  
> information and networks from various bureaucracies in his storied  
> and exciting career. Malamud has  instigated the liberation of  
> American law, the Blue Book describing the workings of the telephone  
> system, the EDGAR database, the video archives of the National  
> Technical Information Service, and many others. On the way, Malamud  
> boils his experience down to ten amusing and useful rules for people  
> who want to do the same work, including "When the authorities fire  
> the starting gun [and authorize the experimental liberation of some  
> data], run as fast as you can, so when they get that queasy feeling  
> in their stomach and have second thoughts, it is too late to stop,"  
> and "Get standing: one can criticize government all one wants, and  
> they'll often ignore you. But, if there is something clearly wrong  
> and against the law and you can document that malfeasance and  
> wrongdoing, they have to talk to you. If you have standing, you can  
> insist."
> It's all so engagingly written, and so useful, that it is truly a  
> must-read for anyone interested in the history or future of  
> universal access, open networks and free societies.

Some interesting history of the internet?

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
T: +61 2 61402408  M: +61 404072753
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