[LINK] wikileaks back

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Sat Dec 4 10:35:35 AEDT 2010

Wikileaks Mirrors

On 2010/Dec/04, at 10:08 AM, Rick Welykochy wrote:

> Jan Whitaker wrote:
>> The other thing that's interesting is the speed that Wikileaks was
>> relocated and the new domain attached. I wonder where in the world
>> the data really is. Does anyone think it's really in Switzerland?

Assange seems ultra paranoid.  Given that wikileaks has lost it's DNS name once before in a dispute with a bank after a leak I expect that they expected it.

> The takedown of the Wikileaks.org (the original domain?) is a worry.
> No due process was used. Just unilateral action on the part of a
> very worried/paranoid government.

The removal of wikileaks from the amazon cloud after amazon was leant on by the US government is a worry.  

The removal of 80 or so .com domains by the US government is also worrying a lot of people:

Sensing Danger, Demonoid BitTorrent Tracker Ditches .COM Domain

New DNS systems:

>> One last point. Julian is egotistical. His photo is in the banner. I 
>> never looked at wikileaks before, so maybe it's always had his photo. 
>> May as well put a target on his face. If he didn't self-identify so 
>> strongly and let the site just be, he might avoid the personal animosity.

I thought he was trying to do a Jimmy Wales.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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