[LINK] Time Man of the Year (Assange?)

Tom Koltai tomk at unwired.com.au
Sun Dec 5 15:59:51 AEDT 2010

On the front cover of Time next  week, 

TIME magazine's December 13 edition features Julian Assange on the cover
and a number of WikiLeaks-related articles, including Massimo
Calabresi's cover story, WikiLeaks' War on Secrecy: Truth's Consequences
<http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2034276,00.html> , and an
additional feature by Fareed Zakaria: WikiLeaks Shows the Skills of U.S.
<http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2034284,00.html> . 

Will Julian win Man of the year ?

Currently with 150K votes he is running at slot number 2.

Polling Results.

36_2029037,00.html #ixzz17D31KteF

Vote for Julian:


A most awesome result if the number one man on Interpols most wanted
list, a traitor in the USA and an unapproved Aussie whistleblower is
acclaimed by the Time readers as being more relevant and important to
the world than:

The Top 25 as at Sunday 15:55.
Position, Name, Average Rating, Total votes
 1 ,Recep Tayyip Erdogan                            ,84 ,188878 
 2 ,Julian Assange                                  ,88 ,158815 
 3 ,Lady Gaga                                       ,76 ,126097 
 4 ,Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert                 ,83 , 64186 
 5 ,Glenn Beck                                      ,35 , 65210 
 6 ,Barack Obama                                    ,61 , 20168 
 7 ,Steve Jobs                                      ,65 , 18222 
 8 ,The Unemployed American                         ,69 , 14587 
 9 ,The Chilean Miners                              ,52 , 19207 
10 ,Sarah Palin                                     ,34 , 21732 
11 ,Mark Zuckerberg                                 ,53 , 12161 
12 ,Liu Xiaobo                                      ,68 ,  8742 
13 ,David Cameron                                   ,35 , 13396 
14 ,Hu Jintao                                       ,50 ,  8268 
15 ,Robert Gates                                    ,42 ,  9155 
16 ,Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf                          ,50 ,  6934 
17 ,Nancy Pelosi                                    ,38 ,  9107 
18 ,Craig Venter                                    ,57 ,  5791 
19 ,Arne Duncan                                     ,30 ,  9140 
20 ,Elizabeth Warren, Mary Schapiro and Sheila Bair ,48 ,  5254 
21 ,David and Charles Koch                          ,35 ,  6415 
22 ,LeBron James                                    ,23 ,  9739 
23 ,Jonathan Franzen                                ,23 ,  8350 
24 ,Hamid Karzai                                    ,30 ,  5956 
25 ,Tony Hayward                                    ,23 ,  7946 

Julian is scoring higher than the other candidates but has less total

In fact a result like that would force Governments to recognise that the
citizens want and need real transparency.

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