[LINK] Wikileaks mirrors, recap and update

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Tue Dec 7 18:12:17 AEDT 2010

Gentle Linkers,

In a matter of three days, over 500 Wikileaks mirror sites have
been created by concerned citizens the world over.


If you have the balls and 2 GB of spare server space, you can
easily create a mirror in minutes on a LAMP system running Debian.

Over on ABC RN on Late Night Live, John Pilger enters the ring
in an interview with Phillip Adams. You can download and listen
if you wish:


For a hearty 4-page recap on Wikileaks news over the past few
weeks, take a gander at the Tech Herald's report:




Wikileaks mirror netizen Jay Caines points out that the introduction
of draconian measures like the upcoming COICA bill and the already existing
powers in the USA to unilaterally remove domain names with due process
form an emerging threat to the freedom of information and speech on
the Internet.

He explains his reason for mirroring Wikileaks and also provides links
to some important and information opinion pieces.

   "If a government can both lean on hosting and other internet companies
    to stop providing their services to sites that the government would rather
    not see, and yet at the same time exercise the ability to remove a company
    from the internet by confiscating their domain, at what point will one
    threat follow another? Is it feasible that a US ISP who provides hosting
    to wikileaks, and who refuses to stop serving them, will then have their
    own domain confiscated?"

More here: http://jay.gooby.org/

These certainly are interesting times.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

It's pretty sad when Pravda is lecturing the US on free speech,
tolerance and respect for human rights
      -- Mike Masnick at Techdirt

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