[LINK] The Samizdat Blog

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Thu Dec 9 14:15:31 AEDT 2010

Hello Linkers,

The Russians had a word for it: samizdat. The copying by hand and distribution
of secret state documents.

I agree with many of the sentiments expressed in the Zamizdat blog
by GeorgieBC.


   "Wikileaks is not a lone vandal hacker. It is an idea. We all have the idea.
    And you can’t bomb an idea, or send drones after it, or put it in jail. I
    suppose Hilary Clinton could declare an idea a terrorist, since she called
    the people terrorists for catching her spying, but she’s going to have a
    hard time executing an idea.

    This is not a ‘hacker’ movement, whatever that even means, but it gains two
    things from the computer world: shared logic and mass communication of data.
    We, the people, have the ability to store and communicate massive amounts of
    data. We, the people, also have the ability to logically process that data
    and come to the best conclusions possible for society. Together our brains
    are much more capable than the brains currently running the world, and an
    open transparent system will ensure potential abuses are spotted and stopped.
    We will no longer submit to a paternalistic and secret form of governance,
    where everyone in the world running political, industrial, financial, media
    and military organizations are privy to information that we, the governed,
    are denied. We will never again believe anything we are told by the servant
    media, unless we have supporting evidence and a forum for verifying their
    interpretations ..."

and so on.

An idea goes viral on the Internet. The backlash against the idea starts the
revolution. Good stuff.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
      -- Lenin

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