[LINK] Juilan Assange's Google-fame compared to prime ministers & other folk
Kim Holburn
kim at holburn.net
Thu Dec 9 15:38:07 AEDT 2010
On 2010/Dec/09, at 1:47 PM, Robin Whittle wrote:
> Thanks Kim for posting about the press release by Daniel Ellsberg and
> colleagues:
> http://www.ellsberg.net/archive/public-accuracy-press-release
> which is a contrast with:
> Why Julian Assange Is No Daniel Ellsberg
> http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/12/07/opinion/main7124354.shtml
The comments on this article are priceless.
> Clearly they are different people, with different backgrounds, skills
> and connections. But I think it is highly significant that Daniel
> Ellsberg fully supports Julian Assange and Wikileaks.
> It is probably early days for Wikileaks. It will be interesting to
> see what comes out about the big banks in the USA, who have now been
> shown (including by testimony before congressional committees) to have
> systematically defrauded investors with their mortgage backed
> securities over the last 5 or so years. Firstly by generally not
> including the actual mortgages in the mortgage backed securities and
> secondly be portraying them to investors as being more secure than the
> banks knew they really were. (See http://www.market-ticker.org for
> references.)
> This isn't the only cause of the financial crisis in the USA, but it
> was a big part of blowing the housing bubble. The fact that George
> Bush and now Barack Obama bailed out these banks - which they probably
> shouldn't have anyway (if these frauds did not occur) means, I think,
> that the Obama government and many members of congress will in the
> future be known as having sailed the Good Ship USA directly onto the
> rocks. I think that will overshadow whatever good things they may be
> remembered for.
> There's apparently a bunch of big bank files to be released. I think
> it is likely that people in the banks will release more information to
> Wikileaks. So my guess is that Wikileaks will play a crucial role in
> uncovering some of the fraud which was and remains an important part
> of the crisis.
> - Robin
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Kim Holburn
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