[LINK] Juilan Assange's Google-fame compared to prime ministers & other folk
Tom Koltai
tomk at unwired.com.au
Thu Dec 9 17:39:37 AEDT 2010
> -----Original Message-----
> From: link-bounces at mailman.anu.edu.au
> [mailto:link-bounces at mailman.anu.edu.au] On Behalf Of Rick Welykochy
> Sent: Thursday, 9 December 2010 4:08 PM
> To: Kim Holburn
> Cc: Link list
> Subject: Re: [LINK] Juilan Assange's Google-fame compared to
> prime ministers & other folk
> Kim Holburn wrote:
> > The comments on this article are priceless.
> >
> >> See http://www.market-ticker.org for references.
> The leaks are having their desired effects. Market-ticker.org
> has picked up on the child sex party scandal in Afghanistan:
> "So we have diplomatic activity related to what appears, if this
cable is correct,
> to be child prostitution linked to a US company providing services
in Afghanistan.
> This is the sort of thing our government is trying to keep from
being disclosed by
> Wikileaks? This is what our government deemed "classified"?
Covering up child
> prostitution - if that's what happened - is a legitimate "state
secret"? "
>As more and more of the right people ask the hard questions, perhaps,
just perhaps, the wrong people can be brought to justice instead of
hiding behind state >sanctioned secrecy.
>Viva la revolucion!
So now we can see the other side of the problem with a filter for the
child pornography issue.
A filter may hide it (child porn) from the non geek/non-technically
competent casual observer, but it also appears to hide it from the law
enforcement agencies.
It appears that only when the secrecy filter is breeched can law
enforcement agencies investigate.
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