[LINK] Assange and John Lennon?

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Tue Dec 21 12:55:53 AEDT 2010

Jan writes,

> the reaction of governments ..

Haha ... it seems one US government reaction is to filter and block
ready access to those leaks for some US government people, for whom
those leaked documents were actually written for in the first place.

Air Force blocks 25 news websites in WikiLeaks response

By BRUCE ROLFSEN | Last Updated: December 20, 2010 (snip)

Departments >> Defense

The Air Force is blocking 25 news websites that posted classified 
diplomatic documents obtained by WikiLeaks and won't let airmen access 
them again unless the media outlets take down the information.

An order instituting the ban went out Dec. 6 from Maj. Gen. Richard 
Webber, who is in charge the service's cyberspace operations as commander 
of 24th Air Force.

The Army, Navy and Marine Corps, however, are not denying access to the 
websites even though the Pentagon prohibits service members from viewing 
classified documents on unclassified computers.

Webber's directive went into effect immediately, said Maj. Toni Tones, a 
spokeswoman for Air Force Space Command, which oversees 24th Air Force.

The Air Force did not announce the blackouts in a news release, and 
airmen had no advance notice they would not be able to visit the 
websites, of which the service identified only five: The New York Times, 
the German magazine Der Spiegel, the British newspaper The Guardian, the 
French newspaper Le Monde and the Spanish newspaper El Pais.

The Wall Street Journal brought the blocks to the public's attention in a 
story published Dec. 14.

The New York Times has no plans to remove the documents, spokeswoman 
Danielle Rhoades-Ha said.

"It is unfortunate that the U.S. Air Force has chosen not to allow its 
personnel access to information that virtually everyone else in the world 
can access," she said..

The 624th Operations Center at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, monitors 
websites day to day; when the unit finds offensive or inappropriate 
material, such as pornography, hate speech or classified information, it 
blocks the website servicewide.

The Air Force is the only service to prevent access to the news sites, 
according to the Defense Department..


Ps, thank you link for the VoIP information :-)

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