[LINK] Flash (was: Google Wonder Wheel)

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Mon Feb 1 16:06:17 AEDT 2010

On 01/02/2010, at 3:51 PM, Scott Howard wrote:

> Yes, the author is a PM at Adobe, but he makes some good points...

'Following the money' appears again. Gruber used this phrase, too: web designers are a pragmatic lot, and if they want sites to be viewable by a wide audience, they build to suit.

...as they are already doing when the old war horse of 'which major sites run on Flash?' is rolled out once more (most run optimised non-flash interfaces for mobile devices, but these are not mentioned by Adobe acolytes).

Whatever the differences between Apple and Adobe, it doesn't change the hard fact that if people want to visit a website and it only shows a blue lego block instead of content, then the site loses: site designers will move first to clear that kind of roadblock.


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