[LINK] Internet uprising overturns South Australian censorship law

Steven Clark steven.clark at internode.on.net
Wed Feb 3 09:15:25 AEDT 2010

On 3/02/2010 7:42 AM, Kim Holburn wrote:
> http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/02/internet-uprising-overturns-australian-censorship-law.ars
The fine art of the "backdown"
>> The cries of the outraged citizenry have had an effect. While
>> defending the new rules as recently as yesterday, Atkinson suddenly
>>  backed off from them today. He sent a statement to AdelaideNow,
>> one remarkable for its candor.
>> "From the feedback we've received through AdelaideNow, the blogging
>>  generation believes

which 'generation' would that be? [insert a sufficiently snarky and/or
ironic comment for each of the following statements ...]

>> that the law supported by all MPs and all political parties is
>> unduly restrictive. I have listened. I will immediately after the
>> election move to repeal the law retrospectively... It may be
>> humiliating for me, but that's politics in a democracy and I'll
>> take my lumps."

but not until *after* the election. so, a promise he may not be able to
keep. and even if he does - would that include removing the effects of
any prosecution? he can't remove the effect the law might/will have on
people who might err on the side of caution by not flauting the law
which will nevertheless be *law* at the time of the election ...

Steven R Clark

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