[LINK] Front page AustLII case - iinet wins!!
Graham Greenleaf
graham at austlii.edu.au
Thu Feb 4 11:03:26 AEDT 2010
We certainly need this Federal Court case on the front page!
At 10:56 AM +1100 4/2/10, Jan Whitaker wrote:
>iiNet slays Hollywood in landmark piracy case
>February 4, 2010 - 10:42AM
>The giants of the film industry have lost their case against ISP
>iiNet in a landmark judgment handed down in the Federal Court today.
>The decision had the potential to impact internet users and the
>internet industry profoundly as it sets a legal precedent surrounding
>how much ISPs are required to do to prevent customers from
>downloading movies and other content illegally.
>But after an on-and-off eight-week trial that examined whether iiNet
>authorised customers to download pirated movies, Justice Dennis
>Cowdroy found that the ISP was not liable for the downloading habits
>of its customers.
>[snip a very long article]
>Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Graham Greenleaf
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales - Room 224
UNSW SYDNEY NSW 2052 Australia (UNSW CRICOS Provider No: 00098G)
Co-Director, Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII)
Co-Director, Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre
Asia-Pacific Editor, Privacy Laws & Business International
International Scholar, Kyung-Hee Law School, Seoul, Korea, 2009-10
E-mail: g.greenleaf at unsw.edu.au or graham at austlii.edu.au
Web Pages - http://www2.austlii.edu.au/~graham/
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