[LINK] Security Advisory

James Collins nospam at ggcs.net.au
Thu Feb 4 16:01:53 AEDT 2010

> They'd be better off listing only those *not* affected. Sheesh!

It's going to be a really serious one this 'un.... Hope they fix it pronto!

The amount of Spam flying around at the moment is phenomenal. And people
_always_ click on links... And they always run as Administrator. Hacker
community is going to have a field day.

You might recall me recently saying that more than a 1/3 of the Eastern
seaboard IPs are infected. Well that'll go up!

-- James Collins - The Australian Protected Network
   ,-_|\    Voice - +61-7-3823-5150
  /     *   Fax   - +61-7-3823-5152
  \_,-._/   P.O. Box 1073,
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