[LINK] Do lawyers have a Duty of Care? Re: "Men at work" up a gum tree

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Fri Feb 5 13:24:51 AEDT 2010

Philip Argy wrote:
> because of Down Under's success but I doubt it will be fatal to anyone.  The
> legal costs could exceed the damages, especially if the judge takes the view
> that the failure to call Ham made the case last much longer than it
> otherwise might have if he'd attended and fessed up. 

So, who should bear these legal costs?

There was also the Channel 7 case. in which the Judge tut
tutted and I witnessed another example first hand in a
magistrates court, after which the lawyer concerned
simply boasted to us that he normally operated in the
land and environment court.

I suggest we need something more that a tut tut!

  Marghanita da Cruz
Tel: 0414-869202

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