[LINK] Gov 2.0 in Oz

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Fri Feb 5 19:59:02 AEDT 2010

On 05/02/2010, at 6:16 PM, Jan Whitaker wrote:

> It was in that role Burton witnessed the sheer 
> volume of "conversations" - be they blogs, 
> Facebook groups and videos - that forced 
> government departments and large corporations to 
> get on the front foot to ensure their voice is 
> heard amid the cacophony of a booming social 
> media. The US Food and Drug Administration now 
> tweets its recall notices; Ford has mandated 2 
> per cent of its workforce to be online talking 
> about Ford - it hopes positively.

Oh great, now we will get a huge swath of public servants chatting online. Is this meant to be an improvement in communication, or am I simply jaded?


Ivan Trundle
http://itrundle.com ivan at itrundle.com
ph: +61 (0)418 244 259 fx: +61 (0)2 6286 8742 skype: callto://ivanovitchk

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