[LINK] Does copyright have a future? [WAS: iinet wins!!]

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Tue Feb 9 09:24:42 AEDT 2010

On 7/02/2010 5:14 PM, Frank O'Connor wrote:
> ...
> Enforceability of copyright probably isn't the issue ... that's a
> simple problem of evidence and process ...
If truly simple, wouldn't enforcement be common? Copyright privileges 
are often infringed. If enforcement is simple, why isn't it practised?

I reckon it's time that 18th century child of 16th century censorship 
was replaced with something that's viable in the 21st century.

David Boxall                         | ignorance more frequently
                                      | begets confidence than does
http://david.boxall.id.au            | knowledge
                                      | --Charles Darwin (introduction
                                      |  to 'The Descent of Man' 1871)

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