[LINK] Google Buzz

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Thu Feb 11 16:35:59 AEDT 2010

The relationship between a Google address book and Buzz is frightening. Many blog posters have advocated that you clear your (GMail) address book out of fears over security (lots of twitter posts on the topic, too).

A quick google of 'Google Buzz security' brings up lots of comment, though much of it is repurposed.

Whatever they say, the Facebook-style linking is a concern, and considering that location-aware features on phones add more to the mix, I suspect people will not approve.

Advertisers will love it, and love Google.

Your article raises these concerns in more detail. The non-Gmail users should be concerned, as you point out.


Ivan Trundle
http://itrundle.com ivan at itrundle.com
ph: +61 (0)418 244 259 fx: +61 (0)2 6286 8742 skype: callto://ivanovitchk

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