[LINK] Jailbreaking (was: Inaccessible web sites)

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Wed Feb 17 17:37:27 AEDT 2010

1. Disclaimer: My phone has been jailbroken for as long as I can remember. Yes, I am a developer, but have not, nor expect to make any income from app development whatsoever. I chose to jailbreak to get extra functionality from my phone, and to explore what is possible for my own purposes.

2. The term 'illegal' is a term used by the media: however, it is currently in limbo due to aforementioned court case.

3. I use the term 'stolen' because I believe that this is the correct legal term applied to the illegal copying of software. It has nothing to do with any vested interests or perspectives. I'm being pedantic.

4. If Apple choose to make a closed system, it is their right to do so: same goes for Nintendos, Wii, X-Boxes etc.


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