[LINK] Jailbreaking (was: Inaccessible web sites)

Craig Sanders cas at taz.net.au
Thu Feb 18 00:54:34 AEDT 2010

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 06:07:46PM +1100, Kim Holburn wrote:
> >> Apple is disputing the exemptions in the Digital Millennium  
> >> Copyright Act which make the legality of jailbreaking unclear,  
> >> suggesting that their copyright is being infringed: no decision is  
> >> likely until later this year.
> Not sure this applies outside the US.

who knows? that lick-spittle Howard signed away Australia's sovereignty
on such matters with the deceptively misnamed Free Trade Agreement
(really, it was the MAI in disguise)

> > 3. I use the term 'stolen' because I believe that this is the  
> > correct legal term applied to the illegal copying of software. It  
> > has nothing to do with any vested interests or perspectives. I'm  
> > being pedantic.
> Actually I believe the correct legal term for this is using unlicensed  
> software.

to be pedantic:

i've never seen any proof offered ANYWHERE that *using* unlicensed
software is an infringement of copyright. copyrights only cover the acts
of copying and distribution, not use...which is why software companies
love bogus crap like shrinkwrap licenses and making users clike "I
Agree" buttons - they KNOW that copyright does not cover usage.


craig sanders <cas at taz.net.au>

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