[LINK] Google Books Settlement delayed

Jan Whitaker jwhit at janwhitaker.com
Fri Feb 19 10:32:15 AEDT 2010

Fwd: Publishers Lunch
>Judge Chin Regrets He's Unable to Rule Today
>The long-awaited Google Books Settlement hearing is underway today 
>in the New York courtroom of Judge Denny Chin as he tries to clear 
>his docket before moving up to the Court of Appeals. For any who 
>might have brought unrealistic hopes of an immediate answer, though, 
>Judge Chin started the morning by telling the court, "I'm not going 
>to rule today, there's too much to digest." He added, "I have an 
>open mind." But during the morning's presentations, Chin's questions 
>made it clear that he is quite familiar with the stacks of briefs 
>already filed. He repeated the same lament from his own brief 
>rulings--there has been "a lot of repetition" of arguments, and 
>"some submissions even quote the other submissions."
>Of course in the publishing world, this is the closet thing we will 
>have to the Olympics. After years of training, preparation and 
>negotiation, approximately 30 parties have made it to today's main 
>event, given a mere five minutes to speak. Yes, the only flag flying 
>in the courtroom is America's, but the teams came from all 
>over--France, Germany, Japan and Connecticut; the National 
>Federation for the Blind, who brought such a large contingent that 
>Judge Chin quipped "many of whom are here this morning apparently" 
>(to which their president replied, "It's very important to us your 
>honor."); the corporate nation states of Sony, Amazon, Microsoft, 
>AT&T; and more.

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
blog: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com

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