[LINK] Can Woolies keep price list URL a secret?

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Fri Feb 19 14:08:20 AEDT 2010

Are we on the right track here?

Surely Woolies isn't interested in Google/Bing/Yahoo etc, or even people like us, but rather direct aggregators who use their data? (in which case they have failed to communicate it very well: a pointless shot across the bows of sites that offer information like this)

I see that a simple Google search shows that a number of Australian sites have sprung up to offer comparative  'pricewatch-style' sites, and it appears as though they tap into the Woolies data.

Even still, it seems a pointless exercise and no doubt a senior exec at Woolies who enforced this disclaimer will be briefed in short order about what the Internet is all about, and how it works.


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