[LINK] Student jailbreaking

Fred Pilcher fpilcher at netspeed.com.au
Sun Feb 21 10:54:09 AEDT 2010

Kim Holburn wrote:
> In the US one school was able to switch on the laptop webcams remotely  
> and watch children at home.  Is this what we're doing now?
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/20/AR2010022000679.html

The excrement has well and truly impacted the air circulation device 
over this one. Rightly so.

The Register speculated over whether it could happen in the UK - the 
answer seems to have been clear:

"According to a spokeswoman for BECTA, families apply for funding for a 
laptop through the Home Access Initiative. Individual schools do not 
know which families have obtained PCs -- and the initiative is about 
providing funding for families to go out and obtain their own PC, rather 
than the provision of PCs through a central state provider."

Not so here.

Someone suggested a square of duct tape over the camera would work. So 
it would, but I'd rather see a call to the camera hardware redirected to 
stream a video of the laptop user's choice. Much more fun.

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