[LINK] US DoD to allow thumb drives again

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Sun Feb 21 11:13:58 AEDT 2010

On 2010/Feb/21, at 10:46 AM, Fred Pilcher wrote:

> stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:
>> But in November 2008, thumb drives infected by viruses infected and
>> disrupted military networks, prompting the ban.
> Facepalm.
> The US Military is using Windows?

Yeah and they had "Autoplay" turned on.  Actually it's quite hard to  
turn it off in windows. The default should have been, should be,  
autoplay off for removable media.  It should have been part of their  
domain policies.

Scarey though.  I seem to remember some of their battleships run  
windows.  Gives the name "Blue Screen of Death" a whole new meaning.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
T: +61 2 61402408  M: +61 404072753
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