[LINK] Vocational Network proposal without AARnet or IPv6

Jamie Sunderland Jamie.Sunderland at aarnet.edu.au
Mon Feb 22 16:09:40 AEDT 2010

Hi Skeeve,

I'm unaware of your dealings with AARNet in the past, but I'd me more than happy to assist you with queries or connection proposals in the future.  

AARNet does provide connectivity to small educational providers, wherever we can. 

Capital costs can be high where there is a significant infrastructure build required, but our ongoing costs are quite competitive (especially for those with higher bandwidth requirements). We have also more recently been looking at options in the TAFE and K-12 space for using third parties to provide last mile connectivity solutions where a fibre build is not financially feasible in the short-term. 

If you have some unresolved issues with AARNet, please contact me and I'll try to sort them out for you.

Jamie Sunderland
Business Development Manager, AARNet Pty Ltd
t.+61 2 9779 6971   m.0419 100 573   w. www.aarnet.edu.au    

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