[LINK] internet chapter of secret ACTA draft leaked
James Collins
nospam at ggcs.net.au
Tue Feb 23 16:57:25 AEDT 2010
> Subject: [LINK] internet chapter of secret ACTA draft leaked
> http://sites.google.com/site/actadigitalchapter/acta_digital_chapter.pdf
I attended the Internet Industry Association Gala dinner on Friday last.
Also attending was Graham Bassett, Barrister at Law.
If you read that page, it will give you a little background on him. He's a
pretty smart feller.
We talked about the problems associated with the Copyright decision recently
handed down, and talked about how long ISPs would be safe for. I outlined
the function of the Australian Protected Network proposal which I have waxed
lyrical to various governments and folks about... He confirmed my belief
that once the APN is installed, the issue becomes moot. ISPs or Copyright
protection people can advise the APN of internet locations which are hosts
responsible for this activity. Once the ISP has ensured that the Protected
Network is _available_ to any user, and has ensured that the APN has been
advised of any hosts causing problems, the ISP has done all he can. If the
user is a member who blocks that particular location, then he too is safe.
However if he doesn't choose to block that material, he alone is vulnerable
to action from copyright protection groups. Not the ISP. The issue goes to
exactly where it should be, between the copyright holders and the people
accessing those copyright materials...
Note that one of the tenets of the APN is that people are "Encouraged" to
use its features. Not hit over the head with a hammer. ISPs would be
required to provide access to the APN functions, but NOT required to force
them to use it. There are simply so many wonderful ways to get people using
the APN. We DON'T need to make it mandatory. It will be something they WANT
to use. It has real benefits.
Forcibly blocking a thousand, or even ten thousand URLs; does not... It is
counter-productive and confrontational. Let's work together and build a
safer internet, not a walled garden. Surely there must be someone out there
in "Link Land" who can help me get this to the people who actually make
these decisions.
-- James :) Collins - Head Office * +61-7-3823-5150 *
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