[LINK] Dumb Americans slow to catch on

Stephen Wilson swilson at lockstep.com.au
Thu Feb 25 11:47:02 AEDT 2010

[Apoligies for cross posting.]

Jan Whitaker wrote:
> At 10:49 AM 25/02/2010, Glen Turner wrote:
>> I can't really see a common university+VET card just yet, although
>> there's no doubt that a common proximity+smart card would be a
>> wonderful thing.
> Do you think the announcement today of a common student ID number 
> throughout the country will enable that?
I think it's important that we delineate debate over new ID numbers from 
consideration of smartcard technologies.  "Identification" cards do not 
require any new ID number.  The merits of new multifunction smartcards 
do not rest on there being any new ID scheme; indeed, one of the 
greatest advantages of modern smartcards (as it happens, like the FIPS 
201 technology deployed in the US) is that they can carry and manage 
existing user IDs, customer reference numbers etc. keeping them separate.

I am not yet sure of the pros and cons of a national student number, 
having not long thought about it.  If it is dedicated to the school ed 
sector and not re-used beyond that, then it might have merit.  I would 
say that if
the ID number becomes a key with which students access services, like 
online exams, results, records etc. then the integrity, authenticity and 
phishability of the key become issues.   This is where a smartcard 
brings benefits as a secure carrier of such keys, because the card can 
confer the keys' bona fides, holding back extraneneous personal 
information, and intelligently invoking the right key for the right 


Stephen Wilson
Managing Director
Lockstep Group

Phone +61 (0)414 488 851

www.lockstep.com.au <http://www.lockstep.com.au>

Lockstep Consulting provides independent specialist advice and analysis
on digital identity and privacy.  Lockstep Technologies develops unique
new smart ID solutions that enhance privacy and prevent identity theft.

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