[LINK] EMI appeals Down Under ruling

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Thu Feb 25 20:41:11 AEDT 2010

EMI are thieves, stealing Larrikin's music?  Larrikin are thieves,  
stealing from the Girl Guides?

> Record company EMI has appealed against a court ruling that  
> Australian band Men at Work ripped off a popular Australian folk  
> tune with their 1980s smash hit Down Under.


> Earlier this month Federal Court Justice Peter Jacobson ruled the  
> famous flute riff from the Aussie band's hit record was unmistakably  
> the same as Kookaburra, the tune penned for a girl guides competition.


> The ruling left Kookaburra's copyright owners, Larrikin Music,  
> poised to claim millions of dollars in unpaid royalties from EMI and  
> Down Under songwriters Hay and Strykert.


> But, in its appeal, EMI said the trial judge had erred in contending  
> that Down Under had taken a substantial part of the Kookaburra tune  
> and that had placed insufficient weight on the fact that the  
> similarities between the two had gone unnoticed for many years.
> The company also argued that the judge was wrong in finding that Ms  
> Sinclair had not assigned the copyright to Kookaburra to the Girl  
> Guides Association of Victoria in 1934 in the course of entering the  
> song competition.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
T: +61 2 61402408  M: +61 404072753
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