[LINK] Tsunami Warning - contact bom.gov.au

Jan Whitaker jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Sun Feb 28 09:54:52 AEDT 2010

At 09:44 AM 28/02/2010, Roger Clarke wrote:
>  From the perspective of people on the east coast of Australia, the
>most useful info readily available at about 09:30 EDST appears to be:


Note that this link changes as more information is added. So far the 
wave sizes at the farther distances from the quake are below 1 meter.

http://www.prh.noaa.gov/ptwc/?region=1, then click on the html or 
text of the latest listed update. THEN click the Message Text link in 
the upper box.


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
blog: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com

Our truest response to the irrationality of the world is to paint or 
sing or write, for only in such response do we find truth.
~Madeline L'Engle, writer

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