[LINK] stephenconroy.com.au back online

Stilgherrian stil at stilgherrian.com
Tue Jan 5 10:53:15 AEDT 2010

The domain stephenconroy.com.au is back online.

It was deleted after 14 days when the registrant, Sapia Pty Ltd, failed to demonstrate eligibility of a "close and substantial connection" with their business to auDA's satisfaction. Sapia Pty Ltd then simply re-registered it, having meanwhile registered the business name STEPHENCONROY" in the state of Victoria, thus satisfying the clearer eligibility requirement that the domain be an "exact match" of their business name.


Part of their business is selling Stephen Conroy-related merchandise.


auDA CEO Chris Disspain has told iTnews journalist Ben Grubb this morning that the domain will stay online since this new registration meets the eligibility requirements.



Stilgherrian http://stilgherrian.com/
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