[LINK] NBN Broadband Plan

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Fri Jan 8 22:12:05 AEDT 2010

Ash writes,

>>> Dr Sharman Stone, Federal Member for Murray said ..
>>> "Labor,s $43 billion Broadband package promised to bring faster
>>> internet access to every corner of Australia, but then the fine print
>>> read that the high speeds would not be extended to towns of less than
>>> 1,000 people."
Sounds quite a lengthy trip, Ash .. certainly hope it was enjoyable ..

> However, the sight of numerous dry paddocks in the Mallee and Wimmera
> with no sign of recent growth or harvest (or animals) was as depressing
> as the numerous closed businesses in the main streets. Where there was
> more than one pub in town, only one seemed to be functional. Not a
> single live Mallee bull was sighted .. I think that people in many
> country towns and rural homesteads might not be able to afford high
> speed broadband, even if it reaches them. Ash

In my opinion, absolutely right. And now that you've raised the point, in
my opinion, one of the most *unfair* situations in Australia, must be the
*extreme* plight of farmers in the area you've travelled and where i live.

Farmers need water. Without water they have no business. Without adequate
water, they can grow nothing. And this area is called the Vic breadbasket?

Now, much of Northern Victoria is on rationed water allocations, and the
Murray River tributaries like the Goulburn are *hugely* stressed. And the 
Campaspe and Loddon systems, and farmers, remain on ZERO water allocation.

There has been a drought here for SEVEN years now. Farmers is this area
have received little rainwater and even less piped etc water for 7 years.


With no water, how can farming families pay for anything? And, especially
water they don't receive? For 7 years now? Can Linkers imagine *anything*
more unfair? Would YOU pay full price, for something essential for you to
earn income, and, which you don't get, for 7 years? But, by law you must!

Sincerely, gentle Link readers, can anyone imagine anything more unfair?

So "In the mean time Northern Victorian farmers are paying full price for
water they do not receive, and many are still being forced to sell their
water entitlements (eg, overseas) in order to pay off debts accumulated
after 7 years of drought." www.sharmanstone.com/Pages/Article.aspx?ID=1102

To me, it's simply astonishing .. and designed to kill agriculture in Vic.

Apologies this has drifted off-topic, but, ppl need to know the situation.

Regards people
Stephen Loosley

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