[LINK] Broadband billions left hanging as wireless bites back

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Fri Jan 22 13:53:08 AEDT 2010

stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:
> Tom writes,
>> One option I have suggested is to put wireless on the end of the NBN. 
>> Since many people will be doing this anyway it might as well be managed 
>> as part of the network. The box NBN Co. install in your home could have 
>> wireless which could be used by you, your electricity meter or your
>> neighbours
> Indeed.. it seems a good idea. Even if, initially, as an optional extra.
> Another such extra might be an always-on cheap wireless-enabled netbook,
> similar to some ISPs already include free with accounts. One can surmise
> many uses.. eg up-and-down emergency alerts, rate notices, various bills,
> even (gasp) an email address & maybe a 'Facebook', VoIP/SMS for everyone.
> (Eg a free-ish home communicator if security may be managed, and perhaps,
> this might be more secure than your normal household footpath letterbox?)

These would be the kind of services
NBNCo is hoping the Retail Service
Providers (RSPs) will offer. One point
that was emphasised over and over was
that the NBN is a wholesaler only.

I might add to, my previous email,
>>> The panel comprised:
>>> christie boyce head-industry engagement
>>> jamie chard cto office
>>> matthew lobb ? industry consultation and 
>>> engagement

that Matthew Lobb is looking at
product definition/specification.

The idea is that the RSPs would
buy [Identical?] managed services,
provided by NBNCo (all over the
country). 90% optical fibre the rest
satellite - though I think the what the
termination equipment looks like and
offers has a way to go - hence they are
hoping for some promising submissions.

I can't help but see parallels between this
and the definition and maturity of ISPs
hosted web services.

Though, what the NBN needs is some
pioneers such as connect.com and
ozemail around 1996. The software will
be as crucial as the hardware.

Marghanita da Cruz
Tel: 0414-869202

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