[LINK] contactless credit cards

Jan Whitaker jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Thu Nov 18 10:23:30 AEDT 2010

At 09:26 AM 18/11/2010, Stilgherrian you wrote:
>"This Is Why We're In A Recession, Part 5"

Is Why We're In A Recession, Part 4
Is Why We're In A Recession, Part 3
Is Why We're In A Recession, Part 2
Is Why We're In A Recession

And this one about plagiarism. Is it any wonder the world is in the 
shape it is?


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
blog: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com

Our truest response to the irrationality of the world is to paint or 
sing or write, for only in such response do we find truth.
~Madeline L'Engle, writer

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