[LINK] Affordable Internet in Australia for low-income families ? Never happen...

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Wed Aug 10 10:59:09 AEST 2011

On 9/08/2011 6:37 AM, Tom Koltai wrote:
> 29% of  Australians are not connected to the Internet. ...

So what do we need?

Water, food, shelter, clothing. There are probably thousands of basics 
more important than Internet access. Hell, I know people who can't 
afford transport or a 'phone and I'd put those ahead of the Internet.

I'm reminded of a time when I was complaining about having difficulty 
with the cost of running a vehicle. My father, who'd lived through the 
depression, was highly amused.

David Boxall                    |  In a hierarchical organization,
                                |  the higher the level,
http://david.boxall.id.au       |  the greater the confusion.
                                |                     --Dow's Law.

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