[LINK] Mobile phone use set to be banned in vehicles

Brenda Aynsley bpa at iss.net.au
Mon Feb 7 14:02:49 AEDT 2011

On 07/02/11 12:04, Steven Clark wrote:
> How many of those people are paying more attention to the call than the car?

I'd have to say that in my case, mobile phones are a terrible 
distraction that I manage by not allowing my primary mission to be the 
phone call.  Having said that on rare occasions I slip in this, the 
consequences are that I miss my intended turn, I fail to stop at my 
destination and generally feel very guilty that I wasn't driving with 
due care and attention and disappointed that I broke my own rule on 
using my hands free mobile phone in the car for conversations.

So what should this mean for me and perhaps others? It means that the 
short 'yes I'll be there in a minute','what do you want from the shop', 
'have you picked up the mail' type calls are fine but _conversations_ 
should be 'banned'. How?  Self imposition is the only way for me but I 
guess from a law makers point of view how can they be sure that we each 
will observe our own ban (clearly I don't always)?  They can't so it's 
inevitable that a ban on phone conversations in cars when driving will 
become an offence, irrespective of the hands free status as the 
statistics on traffic accidents bears out the causative factor that 
phones play.  After all its not the use of my hands that causes my 
distraction but the use of my head so lack of hands free is not the 
primary problem here.


Brenda Aynsley, FACS, CP, ACCE Associate
Honorary Life Member and Vice President 2010-2011
Australian Computer Society (ACS)
Chairman SA Committee The Pearcey Foundation Inc
"Discover IT" ACS Canberra 2011 http://www.acsconference.org.au/
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