[LINK] Mobile phone use set to be banned in vehicles - nanny state?? A-pillar blind spots . . .

Frank O'Connor francisoconnor3 at bigpond.com
Mon Feb 7 22:36:15 AEDT 2011

Just to add some more grist to the old mill ...

We are currently experiencing the LOWEST automobile related death 
rate for about 60 years in Victoria ... so one wonders what (and who) 
the heck is fueling this current push.

If they want a zero sum accident/death rate then maybe they should 
just ban the car and the internal combustion engine.

(Blocks ears to the raucous sound of thousands of die hard greenies 
agreeing big time with this notion.)   :)

At 4:27 PM +1100 7/2/11, Ivan Trundle wrote:
>On 07/02/2011, at 4:19 PM, Robin Whittle wrote:
>>  But are these things worse than the problem of people trying to
>>  navigate with maps?   I doubt I would ever use a GPS - unless it had
>>  Darth Vader's voice and He could try to direct me around the South at
>>  night . . .   but trying to stop and read a map has its own problems
>>  in fast-moving traffic.
>Kim's point was that there are many other distractions for drivers: 
>in the form of stuff bolted to the car, as well as stuff you can add 
>to it. The report says much the same.
>Luddites will complain that everything should go. Gen X/Y/Z will say 
>that life is one big distraction. Even traffic lights, or obscured 
>road signs.
>However, in the middle ground, I've found that a voice telling my 
>ears where and when to turn is infinitely preferable to having to 
>use my eyes, even when not moving.
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