[LINK] NBN to cost 24 times South Korea's faster network, says research body

Paul Brooks pbrooks-link at layer10.com.au
Thu Feb 10 19:02:29 AEDT 2011

On 10/02/2011 5:13 PM, Kim Holburn wrote:
> If there's no bottleneck then QoS doesn't really matter.  At least QoS doesn't matter after it leaves your home network.  QoS only matters if there is contention.  If you're not filling the pipe there is no contention.
In reality there are always bottlenecks and contention. ISP trunks, AGVC paths,
consumer's access links, interstate and international links all congest at times. Even
if not normally, then certainly if one or more longhaul paths fail and traffic has to
suddenly squeeze through a smaller number of parallel paths. QoS can keep applications
that care about low jitter and packet loss experiencing the performance they need, as
if there weren't congestion.

At an aggregation point, even if you aren't filling your pipe, you have no way of
knowing what other people are doing with their pipes that meet and intermingle with yours.


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