[LINK] Congestion (was Re: NBN to cost 24 times South Korea's faster network, says research body)

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Fri Feb 11 14:56:39 AEDT 2011

Birch, Jim wrote:
> Marghanita da Cruz wrote:
>> Latency doesn't matter with streaming content such as TV and Radio...
> It matters for conversation though.  I meant HD video chat.

Seems Interactive moving pictures and audio is going to be a
problem unless you book/schedule your call at a premium rate.

>> Is this where your hairdresser weilds remote scissors and you can
> select a local gossip channel?
> Sorry, I don't know! :)
>> Perhaps for contestability.
> - Jim
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Marghanita da Cruz
Tel: 0414-869202

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