[LINK] Congestion (was Re: NBN to cost 24 times South Korea's faster network, says research body)

Fernando Cassia fcassia at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 15:00:51 AEDT 2011

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 9:07 PM, Paul Brooks
<pbrooks-link at layer10.com.au> wrote:
> Yes, with fixed wireless the operator has a similar level of visibilty and control,
> and provided they don't overbook the capacity there should be no congestion.
> Unfortunately the capacity of a wireless tower is likely to become filled more
> quickly, so the refusal to set up new services once the available bandwidth is all
> reserved could be interpreted as a form of congestion

As an spectator on this Australian debate, I can confirm the above is
true. Down here in .AR there´s a local loop monopoly in the hands of
the incumbent (Telefonica).

Fixed-wireless (using WiMax) was supposedly the holy grail to bring
competition, but in the end, it was not... the towers from the
competing telcos are all operating at their peak capacity in
high-density areas like the BA city conglomerate.... so when you phone
the telcos and ask for service all goes well until yo give them your
address and the telco looks it up on their system only to reply
"sorry, our towers in that area are operating at peak capacity, we
don´t have any slots (sic) available to give you service...". Happened
to me two weeks ago.

FTTH beats any form of wireless... you´re not sharing spectrum with
any of your neighbors.


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