[LINK] Internet Explorer 9
stephen at melbpc.org.au
stephen at melbpc.org.au
Fri Feb 11 20:31:51 AEDT 2011
Release Candidate IE9 was posted today ..
Five things that excite me about developing for Internet Explorer 9
By Robert Johnson | Published February 10, 2011, 8:49 PM
I gave up on Internet Explorer way back at IE7. As a user interface
developer, the CSS and JavaScript workarounds created way too much
unnecessary work.
So I turned my attention to the next best thing at that time, which was
FireFox. It was the most standards-compliant browser on the market at
that time. Its plugins (e.g., FireBug) made my work easier and much more
So as I spent more time with it as a developer guess what happened? I
also became a regular user.
The IE9 Release Candidate, which Microsoft posted today, may change all
that again.
IE9 is the first Microsoft browser in years that has me excited about UI
development. Finally, I can see a future void of the many CSS hacks
necessary to get a page to play nice with IE. There are five features in
this release candidate I am excited about as a UI developer.
Five Things
1. CSS 3. CSS 3 comes with loads of new features that will help make web-
based apps feel and function more like desktop based apps. From a pure
visual perspective, rounded corners comes to IE for the first time. At
this time Safari 5 and IE9 are the only ones to implement it without
special browser markup.
2. HTML5. With IE9 more developers can jump on the HTML5 bandwagon.
Including myself. Support for canvas and video will go a long way towards
making online video a ton easier to develop.
3. Hardware Acceleration. This one is huge. Not only does it bring with
it significant speed increase, but it also results in fantastic looking
graphics and text. No UI designer wants to design a great-looking site
only to have it look terrible to most of the people who will see it. I'm
a huge fan of TypeKit, and IE9 does an awesome job of displaying type
from this service. In my opinion type looks better on the Mac, but most
people don't view the web on Macs. Most are on Windows PCs. And when it
comes to IE9 vs. Chrome or Firefox, my sites (and hopefully yours too)
look way better in IE9. Not only that, they load faster.
4. Jump Lists. I am particularly excited about this one. With IE9 sites
can be saved onto the toolbar and launched just like any other
application. With Windows 7 any icon on the toolbar has a jump list. IE9
allows developers to customize the jump list. For instance, if you run a
sports site, you can store different sports categories in the list so
that when a user clicks the NCAA Football link it will take them to that
page. This feature is definitely blurring the line between desktop and
web-based applications.
5. Developer! Developer! Developer Tools! I never really cared much for
the developer tools in IE. In IE9 improvements were made and I think
these tools are a lot easier to use now than before. While they won't
convert me from FireBug, I have to give Microsoft some credit here: the
new Networking and CSS tab enhancements are welcome. The CSS tab
organizes CSS files a lot nicer and will make debugging CSS issues a lot
The new network profiler is another welcomed addition to the developer
tools. The summary view will tell you the original URL requested, all
resources requested by HTML and CSS, and all requests made through
JavaScript. I no longer have to download add-ons when I need to quickly
find out what's slowing my UI down.
Final Thoughts
I love the new IE9 and it will become one of the browsers I use on a
regular basis. I definitely will start taking Internet Explorer more
seriously from a developer perspective. The tools are nice. The hardware
acceleration and CSS 3/HTML 5 compliancy were a long time coming.
But there is one thing that really concerns me as a developer: updates.
Microsoft usually has taken a long time to develop new versions of
Internet Explorer, while Chrome is updated on a more frequent cadence
sometimes adding new support for CSS 3 or HTML 5. I hope that Microsoft
does not intend to wait another 2 years to update IE. If it does, we will
probably find ourselves back where we started: where every browser
supports modern standards, except for IE.
Robert Johnson is a user interface developer specializing in the user
experience (UX) of .NET-based web applications. He is a Betanews reader.
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