[LINK] Adobe PDF Accessibility Event Endorsed by AGIMO
Tom Worthington
tom.worthington at tomw.net.au
Wed Feb 23 09:43:56 AEDT 2011
Adobe are running a series of education sessions on "PDF Accessibility
Education Sessions for the Australian Government" in March 2011:
These are to help Australian Public Servants with PDF authoring skills,
after an AGIMO/Vision Australia study which was critical of the
accessibility of Portable Document Format documents for people with a
In my view the main problem is not with PDF itself but the design of
documents. Better training for document designers will help. But this
training need not be specific to PDF. The same techniques will work with
other formats, although each document format has its own idiosyncrasies.
In line with Principle 7 "Open and accessible formats online" of the
"Draft Principles on Open Public Sector Information" from the Australian
Information Commissioner
I suggest it would be better for the Australian Government to
concentrate on accessible web pages and make that the primary format for
government publishing. PDF versions could still be produced, but
automatically generated from the web version, just as a format for
printing. E-book formats based on web technology could also be provided
as an alternative to PDF, with little additional effort.
ps: While educating public servants on accessibility is a worthwhile
aim, the Department of Finance and Deregulation has exceeded its
authority in endorsing this Adobe activity. The name of the Department
of Finance and Deregulation, and the Commonwealth Coat of Arms, are
displayed below a banner headline on the Adobe web page about the PDF
sessions. The page is marked "Copyright © 2011 Adobe Systems
Incorporated. All rights reserved". This is contrary to the guidelines
for the use of the Arms:
Tom Worthington FACS CP HLM, TomW Communications Pty Ltd. t: 0419496150
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617, Australia http://www.tomw.net.au
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science, The
Australian National University http://cs.anu.edu.au/courses/COMP7310/
Visiting Scientist, CSIRO ICT Centre: http://bit.ly/csiro_ict_canberra
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