[LINK] NBN April, and 75%

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Wed Feb 23 14:03:42 AEDT 2011


by Mitchell Bingemann,  Australian IT  February 23, 2011 1:28PM (snip)..

NBN Co chief executive Mike Quigley confirmed that the university town of 
Armidale would be the first site on the mainland to offer retail services 
to customers.

"Simply the timing has worked out that way and we are expecting that by 
the end of April customers will be connected," he said.

Mr Quigley said the first release sites on the mainland had received on 
average a 75 per cent rate of consent from premises to be connected to 
the NBN.

The highest rate of consent was in Willunga, South Australia with 91 per 
cent, but the inner-city Melbourne suburb of Brunswick had only received 
50 per cent consent.



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