[LINK] NBN and Batteries
Tom Koltai
tomk at unwired.com.au
Wed Feb 23 15:11:00 AEDT 2011
Interestingly enough, if they left the copper in the ground, it could
provide a back up current for the NBN so that in the event of a power
failure at the local suburb level, Power could be supplied to the fibre
(kerbside MDF Node) and the home via the copper....
What a revolutionary idea...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: link-bounces at mailman.anu.edu.au
> [mailto:link-bounces at mailman.anu.edu.au] On Behalf Of
> Marghanita da Cruz
> Sent: Wednesday, 23 February 2011 2:41 PM
> See
> > Senate Question No.315
> >
> > Senator Ludlam asked the Minister representing the Minister
> for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and
> Communities, in writing, on 6 December 2010:
> >
> > With reference to the Government's National Waste Policy
> and the proposed Product Stewardship legislation under which
> national recycling policies for products such as electronic
> waste can be regulated - a scheme which was to start in 2011:
> > (1) What is the timetable for the Product Stewardship legislation.
> > (2) What is the timetable for e waste recycling.
> > (3) What expenditure has been earmarked for the e waste scheme.
> > (4) What budget allocations have been made to implement e
> waste collections.
> > (5) To date, what progress has been made towards
> implementing the scheme.
> > (6) Will the e waste scheme start in time to help recover
> disposed televisions, resulting from the current digital switchover.
> >
> > Senator Conroy: The Minister for Sustainability,
> Environment, Water, Population and Communities has provided
> the following answer to the honourable Senator's question:
> >
> > (1) The Product Stewardship bill is expected to be...
> <http://greensmps.org.au/content/question/proposed-product-ste
> wardship-legislation-and-e-waste-recycling>
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