[LINK] NBN and Batteries

Richard Chirgwin rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Wed Feb 23 17:18:11 AEDT 2011

On 23/02/11 4:30 PM, Paul Brooks wrote:
> On 23/02/2011 2:15 PM, stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:
>> Paul writes,
>>> here we are more likely to get an enquiry afterwards to declare
>>> after-the-fact that the orders to 'down the Internet' were a violation
>>> of something.
>> Sensible comments Paul, both here and also in "Computerworld" this arvo:
> Thankyou Stephen.
> On 23/02/2011 2:35 PM, Richard Chirgwin wrote:
>> Personally, I think the Greens would do better to tackle battery
>> disposal / recycling across-the-board, rather than grabbing  passing
>> high-profile issue (the NBN) and tacking "battery disposal" on the end.
>> "Pin the tail on the donkey" is a second-rate political strategy; cheap
>> opportunism, IMO.
>> Did some quick Googling on this; a common figure for landfill is 8,000
>> *tonnes* of batteries each year - and that datum is 8 years old (from
>> the ABS). It's probably more now.
>> Let's get the calculating envelope:
> I think we'll need something more sophisticated than this Richard,
I agree entirely! - My remarks were intended only to provide some sort 
of palpable scope to the problem, not a proper analysis at all.

> which can
> distinguish between big heavy lead-acid batteries used in vehicles (and the really
> really big heavy hernia-inducing ones in trucks, trains, buses, etc), and the smaller
> lighter ones in phone handsets and now the NBN terminals, likely to be lithium-ion or
> even lithium-polymer if they can work out how to keep the rate of spontaneous meltdown
> to an acceptably low rate.
> Battery recycling and disposal is a big issue, but general recycling/disposal of
> electronic goods is a much bigger issue - andwhen that;'s sorte, it should encompass
> batteries as a subset within the overall scheme.
> Paul.
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